Recently the following viewer of this video relayed to me a story about a wagon with an army payroll in gold coins and other valuables that went over a cliff. This story may tie into the gold coin story somewhat better than the gold coins being part of a confederate treasure. The following is what he posted below the video, so it could be a good lead.
From Bret DaCosta:
"Actually, it was the payroll for Fort Apache and not confederate but Cavalry. Lieutenant Summerhayes was leading the first resupply mission on "Crooks Trail" from Camp Verde to Fort Apache. The year was 1874 and a wagon was lost over the cliffs when two mules separated from a team of six leaving four mules and a wagon to plummet over a cliff several hundred feet and not retrievable. This is documented in a book by Margaret Summerhayes called "Vanishing Arizona". Seems Margaret was fond of the mules a was saddened to hear four had perished along with a wagon. Not knowing at the time what was in the wagon she found it to be the wagon that held her fine china and silverware she had brought from New England. The wagon also carried the $3,000 plus payroll in $20 Gold Pieces and Silver Coins it also had a cargo of Winchester Repeater rifles."
Good Hunting,
Greg Hawk
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