The Hidden$100 Bill!
What a Story!
We posted on June 5th that Metal Detectorist Mike Higgins had found the jar with the clue to the $100 Bill. The clue said to go 15 paces due north and you would find the $100 Bill. After sending me the picture he said that they couldn’t find the $100 Bill. I assumed, like many, that someone had already found it.
Today I received an email from two avid Metal Detectorists, Todd White and Benn Librizzi, with two pictures attached showing them finding the $100 Bill.
Todd said that they went half the distance to the spring, per the directions that I gave, and then turned and went due north 15 paces using his compass. They stopped within a foot of the jar containing the $100 bill and quickly found it using their metal detector.
Congratulations go out to Todd White and Ben Librazzi with another $100 Bill being sent as the prize for finding it.
I hope everyone that went searching enjoyed the time spent in a beautiful area of Arizona.
Greg Hawk